Other Approaches

Identify and Size Components Pattern/ Scoping Microservices using DDD

  • identify, manage, and properly size components.

  • Define the Bounded Context

    • find core domain concepts (e.g. = main business functions) and internal models (supporting the concepts)

    • define the ubiquitous language for the concept (= agreed language between domain experts and software experts)

    • identify out of context concepts (which don’t fit in the natural language of the core concept)

    • each BC has an explicit interface that needs to be defined

    • communication between BC is carried out using shared communication (to ensure our bounded context is completely independent fro other BC)

Gather Common Domain Components Pattern

  • consolidate common business domain logic that might be duplicated across the application, reducing the number of potentially duplicate services in the resulting distributed architecture.

Flatten Components Pattern

  • collapse or expand domains, subdomains, and components, thus ensuring that source code files reside only within well-defined components.

Determine Component Dependencies Pattern

  • identify component dependencies, refine those dependencies, and determine the feasibility and overall level of effort for a migration from a monolithic architecture to a distributed one.

Last updated