Race Condition and Data Race

Data race is when one concurrent operation attempts to read a variable while at some undetermined time another concurrent operation is attempting to write to the same variable.

  • occurs when two goroutines access the same variable concurrently and at least one of the accesses is a write

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
   wait := make(chan struct{})
   n := 0
   go func() {
      n++ // read, increment, write
   n++ // conflicting access
   fmt.Println(n) // Output: <unspecified>

Race condition occurs when two or more operations must execute in the correct order, but the program has not been written so that this order is guaranteed to be maintained.

package main
import "fmt"

func deposit(balance *int, amount int){
    *balance += amount //add amount to balance

func withdraw(balance *int, amount int){
    *balance -= amount //subtract amount from balance

func main() {
    balance := 100 
    go deposit(&balance,10) //depositing 10

    withdraw(&balance, 50) //withdrawing 50


=> Can use the Go race detector to detect potential issues.

Last updated