
Go's mechanism for hosting goroutines is an implementation of what's called an M:N scheduler: which states that M number of goroutines can be distributed over N number of OS threads.

When a Go program starts => it is given a logical processor P for every virtual core => Every P is assigned an OS thread M => Every Go program is also given an initial G which is the path of execution for a Go program. OS threads are context-switched on and off a core, goroutines are context-switched on and off a M.

There are two run queues in the Go scheduler.

  • Global Run Queue (GRQ)

  • Local Run Queue (LRQ)

Each P is given given a LRQ that manages the goroutines assigned to be executed within the context of P. These goroutines take turn being context-switched on and off the M assigned to that P. GRQ is for goroutines that have not been assigned to a P yet.

When a goroutine is performing an asynchronous system call, P can swap the G off M and put in a different G for execution. However, when a goroutine is performing a synchronous system call, the OS thread is effectively blocked. Go scheduler will create a new thread to continue servicing the existing goroutines in the LRQ.

Go follows a model of concurrency called the fork-join model:

  • fork - at any point in the program, a child branch of execution can be split off and run concurrently with its parent

  • join - at some point in the future, the concurrent branches of execution will join back together

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