
No Pointers to Interfaces

You almost never need a pointer to an interface. You should be passing interfaces as values—the underlying data can still be a pointer.

An interface is two fields:

  1. A pointer to some type-specific information. You can think of this as "type."

  2. Data pointer. If the data stored is a pointer, it’s stored directly. If the data stored is a value, then a pointer to the value is stored.

If you want interface methods to modify the underlying data, you must use a pointer.

Verify Interface Compliance

Verify interface compliance at compile time where appropriate. This includes:

  • Exported types that are required to implement specific interfaces as part of their API contract

  • Exported or unexported types that are part of a collection of types implementing the same interface

  • Other cases where violating an interface would break users

// BAD

type Handler struct {
  // ...

func (h *Handler) ServeHTTP(
  w http.ResponseWriter,
  r *http.Request,
) {

type Handler struct {
  // ...

var _ http.Handler = (*Handler)(nil)

func (h *Handler) ServeHTTP(
  w http.ResponseWriter,
  r *http.Request,
) {
  // ...

The statement var _ http.Handler = (*Handler)(nil) will fail to compile if *Handler ever stops matching the http.Handler interface.

The right hand side of the assignment should be the zero value of the asserted type. This is nil for pointer types (like *Handler), slices, and maps, and an empty struct for struct types.

type LogHandler struct {
  h   http.Handler
  log *zap.Logger

var _ http.Handler = LogHandler{}

func (h LogHandler) ServeHTTP(
  w http.ResponseWriter,
  r *http.Request,
) {
  // ...

Receivers and Interfaces

Methods with value receivers can be called on pointers as well as values.

Methods with pointer receivers can only be called on pointers or addressable values.

type S struct {
  data string

func (s S) Read() string {

func (s *S) Write(str string) { = str

// We cannot get pointers to values stored in maps, because they are not
// addressable values.
sVals := map[int]S{1: {"A"}}

// We can call Read on values stored in the map because Read
// has a value receiver, which does not require the value to
// be addressable.

// We cannot call Write on values stored in the map because Write
// has a pointer receiver, and it's not possible to get a pointer
// to a value stored in a map.
//  sVals[1].Write("test")

sPtrs := map[int]*S{1: {"A"}}

// You can call both Read and Write if the map stores pointers,
// because pointers are intrinsically addressable.

Similarly, an interface can be satisfied by a pointer, even if the method has a value receiver.

type F interface {

type S1 struct{}

func (s S1) f() {}

type S2 struct{}

func (s *S2) f() {}

s1Val := S1{}
s1Ptr := &S1{}
s2Val := S2{}
s2Ptr := &S2{}

var i F
i = s1Val
i = s1Ptr
i = s2Ptr

// The following doesn't compile, since s2Val is a value, and there is no value receiver for f.
//   i = s2Val

Avoid Embedding Types in Public Structs

These embedded types leak implementation details, inhibit type evolution, and obscure documentation.

Assuming you have implemented a variety of list types using a shared AbstractList, avoid embedding the AbstractList in your concrete list implementations. Instead, hand-write only the methods to your concrete list that will delegate to the abstract list.

type AbstractList struct {}

// Add adds an entity to the list.
func (l *AbstractList) Add(e Entity) {
  // ...

// Remove removes an entity from the list.
func (l *AbstractList) Remove(e Entity) {
  // ...
// BAD
// ConcreteList is a list of entities.
type ConcreteList struct {
// ConcreteList is a list of entities.
type ConcreteList struct {
  list *AbstractList

// Add adds an entity to the list.
func (l *ConcreteList) Add(e Entity) {

// Remove removes an entity from the list.
func (l *ConcreteList) Remove(e Entity) {

Go allows type embedding as a compromise between inheritance and composition. The outer type gets implicit copies of the embedded type's methods. These methods, by default, delegate to the same method of the embedded instance.

The struct also gains a field by the same name as the type. So, if the embedded type is public, the field is public. To maintain backward compatibility, every future version of the outer type must keep the embedded type.

An embedded type is rarely necessary. It is a convenience that helps you avoid writing tedious delegate methods.

Even embedding a compatible AbstractList interface, instead of the struct, would offer the developer more flexibility to change in the future, but still leak the detail that the concrete lists use an abstract implementation.

// BAD
// AbstractList is a generalized implementation
// for various kinds of lists of entities.
type AbstractList interface {

// ConcreteList is a list of entities.
type ConcreteList struct {
// ConcreteList is a list of entities.
type ConcreteList struct {
  list AbstractList

// Add adds an entity to the list.
func (l *ConcreteList) Add(e Entity) {

// Remove removes an entity from the list.
func (l *ConcreteList) Remove(e Entity) {

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